Electric Eel
Electric Eel is the most dangerous fish in Amazon.Electric Eel can light 12 bulbs by his electricity. It can kill a baby caiman. It catch fishes and eat them from it's electricity about 600 volts. It is not a eel infact it is catfish.It is a apex and it can grow 2 m long. It can kill a human being.
Ecology and life history
The electric eel is known for its unusual breeding behavior. In the dry season, a male eel makes a nest from his saliva into which the female lays her eggs. As many as 3,000 young will hatch from the eggs in one nest. Male electric eels are much smaller than the females.
Mature males have a darker color on the belly. They have no scales. The mouth is square, and positioned at the end of the snout. The anal fin extends the length of the body to the tip of the tail. As in other ostariophysan fishes, the swim bladder has two chambers.
The electric eel is unique among the Gymnotiformes in having large electric organs capable of producing potentially-lethal discharges that allow them to stun prey.[4]Larger voltages have been reported, but the typical output is sufficient to stun or deter virtually any animal. Juveniles produce smaller voltages (about 100 V). They are capable of varying the intensity of the electrical discharge, using lower discharges for "hunting" and higher intensities for stunning prey, or defending themselves. When agitated, they are capable of producing these intermittent electrical shocks over a period of at least an hour without signs of fatigue.
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